Number 8 Turquoise Jewelry
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#8 Turquoise Jewelry!!
Number Eight Turquoise is a highly prized turquoise stone used in all types of traditional and contemporary Native American jewelry. Here you will find our entire online inventory of Jewelry with No. 8 Turquoise!
Number 8 Turquoise Mine
The Number 8 Turquoise mine is in the Lynn mining district in Eureka County, not too far North of Carlin, Nevada. Turquoise deposits were first discovered there in 1925, and Earl Buffington & Lawrence Springer filed the first formal claim on the property in 1929. The mine soon passed though a number of owners, including Ted Johnson, Doc Wilson, Myron Clark, Lee Hand, the Edgar brothers, and Dowell Ward. In 1950, the Edgar brothers began looking for copper with the use of a bulldozer when they uncovered a deposit of some of the finest spider web turquoise ever found in Nevada. The pocket reportedly produced more than 1,600 pounds of the very highest-grade turquoise; a storied and historic discovery, still talked about today. From the 1930’s to the 1950’s, the Number Eight Turquoise mine was very active and was known for producing very large nuggets of high-quality turquoise. In 1954, the Edgar brothers discovered a single behemoth turquoise stone that weighed 150 pounds, was of good color and hardness, and classified as gem quality. In its prime, the Number Eight Turquoise mine produced some of the largest nuggets of turquoise ever found.
The color of #8 Turquoise varies from light blue, blue with shades of green, to even a beautiful dark blue. It is found with a black, golden, brown, or red matrix; with the red spider webbing being the most rare and valued. With the Number 8 Turquoise mine virtually depleted and not mined since the 1970’s (and with limited reserves in existence), Number 8 Turquoise Jewelry is among the most valuable and appreciated of turquoise jewelry, by collectors. High-grade Number 8 Turquoise is by far some of the finest turquoise to have ever come out of Nevada; and #8 Turquoise Jewelry can be some of the most beautiful!